by Sophie Andrews
Making your bed every morning - Despite the simplicity of this task, this is likely to be the first thing you accomplish in the day, and feeling this short burst of success can positively influence your performance throughout the entirety of the day; the retired US navy officer, Admiral Mcraven stated himself that: “[Making your bed] will give you a small sense of pride. And it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed,”
Try not to skip breakfast, even accidentally - Skipping breakfast once in a while is unlikely to cause any long term issues, however relying on lunch consistently everyday to fulfil your hunger is certainly far from healthy. Despite the general belief that skipping breakfast may result in weight loss for some, as you are technically consuming less, this is in fact a myth and skipping breakfast can result in you eating less vitamins and minerals and foods throughout the rest of the day.
When browsing social media - particularly Instagram - do not hesitate to unfollow accounts that you don’t gain anything from, such as a photo of someone that makes you feel less worthy, even if you can’t explain why; I can guarantee this will mentally benefit you in the long term.
Aim to journal your thoughts as frequently as possible; this doesn’t mean you should pressure yourself to keep a daily journal, but whenever you feel more intense emotions such as anxiety, write this down in as much detail as possible, since it may provide a sense of relief. Also be sure to mention happy thoughts down too, as they will be sweet to refer back to if you are feeling more down.
Plug your headphones in, and take an evening stroll in the brisk air of winter. Layer up in cosy clothes and take in your surroundings. Although music complements this serene experience, it is important to note that you are likely to think more clearly when your brain is less overwhelmed with sounds. Therefore, simply organising your thoughts in the quiet sounds of nature can benefit primarily mental health, but taking a walk once in a while never hurts your heart.