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Crisis of Beauty Pageants in America

by Eli Diomampo

Today in Modern America, Beauty Pageants are seen (by many) as a place where participants can build their self esteem and confidence. Many of these contestants are young women or children and as social media has evolved, the audience of these pageants have grown bigger than ever, with a $5 billion net worth, and are a part of people’s daily lives. These shows were the instagram and general social media of before; contributing to a lot of today’s beauty standards.

However the effects of the pageants are like that of social media; psychological issues based on the perception of body perfection. These models have to endure their whole life being dedicated to the shows and are usually unwillingly pushed by their parents to pursue this career path. In addition, women and children can undergo eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia; bulimia which is eating and then forcing their own body to throw up, and anorexia is purposely overlimiting food consumption, which causes a severely underweight body. These two disorders are done to “create the perfect modelling body”. This is obviously a problem, as it causes young, vulnerable women to push their body to unrealistic and self destructing standards...These implications will cause everlasting problems for the bodies of these people for their whole life.

Moreover, plastic surgery has been a newly adopted trend between every contestant but has led to dangerous alterations that may lead to death. For example, 1994’s Miss Argentina’s Solange Magano, died due to her butt implant injection having the silicone liquid finding its way to her brain and lungs. This event is the tip of the iceberg of pageants and other issues like the sexualisation of children, or the fat shaming of contestants are constantly and clearly prevalent.

Recently, babies as young as 3 months old are allowed to participate in pageants. Parents would come around and put their newborn on display like in a parade. This is done due to the parents wanting their child to bring them fame and money to the family and leads to exploitation of children, as well as making children miss out on certain normal, childhood activities as they are so occupied with the pageant.

In conclusion, these pageants have allowed children and adults to accept body images that are too audacious, which will lead to mental and physical issues that will last for life and increase the high standards of society due to “Perfection”.


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