Now that Donald Trump has completed his time in office as President of the United States, it’s time to reflect on how he will be remembered for the last 4 years. How will you look back on Trump’s presidency?
Trump has got to be the most racist person I've ever seen; I find it so surreal that someone like him ever managed to get his way into office, it’s comparable in absurdity to someone like Kanye West getting elected as the leader of one of, if not the most powerful nations in the world. He made large steps toward regressing American policy. His MAGA cult fed into his insatiable ego. The rumors of a coup on the new presidency. The absolutely abysmal response to the pandemic, along with the nerve of covering it up as some sort of hoax or lie. Everything Donald Trump has done as the president is either to fuel his own ego, to appease those around him so that they are candidates for ego fuel, or (albeit inadvertently) establishing the beginnings of a fascist regime in the US. The wall; banning trans people from joining the military; making many steps toward reversing queer and racial inequality; leaving the Paris Accords; spreading misinformation on his now banned twitter account. I cannot think of Trump and remember a single good thing he’s done for his country or it’s people. He is a failed businessman turned child ruler who will go down in history as one of America’s greatest mistakes - Arch
The day has finally come where the right wing, orange skin racist is out of power. It’s a new day, it's a new life and the Gen Z couldn’t be happier. After 4 painful years, he is finally not making us all wait for the next controversial comment. It has been irritating to watch this man think he holds modern and valid argument points and use them against what was his country. The day I found out Biden won I was over the moon. The Gen Z are all now old enough to vote and are now realising what they need to do for their futures. Trump pushed America backwards and made Biden’s work a lot more than we wanted however Biden has been in office for one day and has already made a much bigger effect than Trump did in his 4 years. Biden went into office yesterday and there was no better way to start his 4 fabulous years as the new President than to Katy Perry singing Firework. Here’s to Biden making America the way it should be. - Emily
I will always remember when he first ran for president, the way me and my friends would laugh because we never thought anyone would vote for him. And the next thing I remember is going into my friend’s house and seeing that he had won the election. I lost a lot of respect for America that day, but I am trying to look back on his presidency with optimism. He was the idiotic wood that fuelled the fires for change, because of his policies and endless stream of thoughtless tweets, our generation stepped up and started fighting for what is right, and for our future. We shouldn’t have had to live in fear of having a world leader as unpredictable and in many ways as dangerous as him, but we definitely proved ourselves this presidential term, at least now the world knows that when it's important; we show up. I’m just praying that I never have to see Trump 2024 in the headlines. - Isabelle
The only thing that I remember about Trump is the first presidential debate that he had with Biden. The whole thing was just a trainwreck. I only managed to watch an hour of it before I had to switch it off. Frequent interruptions, untrue facts and not listening to instructions from the moderator. Are just some of the things that ,ade the debate so chaotic. - Sulena
When I think of Trump I think of the time when everyone thought he wouldn’t win for president, because of his twisted attitude and arrogant ways of thinking. However, for some reason he had won. I believe he won due to the fact he portrays himself as a ‘free thinker’, much like a character on a tv show. These types of free thinking and offensive characters are normally quite well liked as the purpose is to shed light on how outrageous people can be where the audience can relate to the character in some ways. Trump is like a real life depiction of that, claiming that he speaks his mind all the time, coming across as very comical. But, this isn’t a TV show.
When Trump first ran for president I was worried for all of them, and then when he succeeded I was terrified for America. How could any of them believe that he was the right person to have in power, it was absurd. This man was offensive and racist and out of control. He was banned on websites due to his behaviour and views and still some people believed that he was better. Biden's inauguration was yesterday and in that time people have already felt safer; starting his new reign of power with Katy Perry singing “Firework” was indeed a smart idea which everyone loved. Let's hope Biden can change everything for the better - Grace
When I think of Trump I'll always remember how he is racist, misogynistic, homophobic… and the list could go on. He has 26 rape and sexual assault allegations against him. Politics, personality, appearance and everything aside, if you were a manager at Mcdonalds hiring (solely based on this factor) would you hire him or someone without 26 sexual assault and rape allegations. No question right. Yet, this man was incharge of the most powerful country in the world. After reading Naomi Klein's book “No is not enough”, I found her view of how we all have an inner trump very true. Her idea is that Trump is just the worst of us, and he is an exaggerated product of the culture we are all in. He used to be a pro-wrestler (though obviously paying to win), he is in the WWE hall of fame. He plays himself in the ring, the billionaire, this is the main reason he learnt how to manipulate crowds. He has his own cult-like following which we all saw in action when his followers were “protesting” in the capital. In reality they were rioters using their white privilege to do something highly illegal, incited and encouraged by Trump. He is dangerous because his followers are so brainwashed by him and would kill if he said so. An example of how mental and dangerous his following is is when we all saw on the news a face painted man in a horned fur cap with a spear storming the Capitol. This man calls himself “Q Shaman '' and he openly supports QAnon who’s followers believe Trump is leading the fight against a global cabal of satan-worshipping peodophies. What!! The fact that he was the 45th president of the United States of America is embarrassing and incredibly frightening. I believe America has a new source of hope, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. - Tegan