With the Government enforcing Local Lockdown restrictions on a more regular basis, how are the team at Loop feeling about impending Lockdown restrictions? Are these restrictions necessary to keep the UK running? Are they looking forward to an opportunity to stay at home and binge on the latest Netflix series or does Lockdown make them feel like caged lions who need to escape? Let's find out...
2020. The year everyone thought would be one to remember yet now it is the one people can't even remember. We are 10 months into the year and over half of it has been trapped in four walls. As we fell out of one lockdown and are about to be pushed start into another. “Hands, face, space” has been the new riddle we see and hear all around us but now we are going to start hearing “don’t leave the house unless you really need to” again. Despite the well needed break, it is time to start working again. Students, adults, parents, teachers, everyone needs to get back into the old routine and not start to develop the habit of staying in their beds all day long. With Halloween just around the corner kids want to trick or treat, teens want to have a dress up party and adults want to hand out sweets to scary monsters knocking at their spookily decorated door. Halloween is on the day everyone has wanted it to be on for years. Saturday. However with a connective curfew of 10pm and a limited group of 6 halloween is not looking like the kind of spooky season we expected. This year it's not haunted houses and horror movie jump scares that will have us frightened, its corona causing continuous coughs and symptoms causing shortage of breath that will have us hiding in our homes over the wicked weekend. Although being locked away for this haunted holiday will be the opposite of anyone's plans for the rest of 2020 it seems to be the only way this vicious virus will start to dial down just in time for the festive month of December. - Emily Cuell
With the government enforcing local lockdown restrictions on a more regular basis. Some parts of the country have had curfews put in place and are not allowed to mix with people from different households. These restrictions I think will be able to keep the UK running only if the right measures are taken. As for me personally I’m not opposed to a second lockdown if it will keep the country safe. If a second lockdown does happen at least there are things to keep me busy and occupied such as continuing on with my education. - Sulena.
Lockdown 2.0 is even scarier than the first time. The thought of having to do it all again, this time in the dark, cold and rain, is terrifying. When 2020 started we all said it would be our year, but it has been the total opposite. Countries on curfews, cities coming to a halt and entire counties going back into lockdown. As if we haven’t been trapped inside long enough, it looks like that’s the way we’re headed again. The new slogan “Hands, face, space” has been seared into my memory after being played on repeat on every radio station, and I’ve gotten so used to wearing facemasks it feels weirder to not wear one now. 2020 has been confusing for so many different reasons, all I can say is that I hope 2021 is different. - Isabelle
The first time we were put into lock down it was very confusing and scary but we got used to it and it became our “new normal”. Now the threat of lockdown is happening again however this time it is different, we are prepared. The idea of lockdown for me can be seen to be quite enjoyable as I can stay home, watch netflix and message my friends all whilst still being able to complete college work through online lessons. However, it will get quite boring and repetitive not being able to go anywhere or do anything, and will make me feel quite isolated. If we fall back into a second lockdown hopefully it will be easier to cope with the whole idea of it, will be less stressful and protect us in the long run. - Grace :)
Although lockdown measures are slowly being re-introduced, I don't think that the UK will ever return to the full lockdown seen in march. We may see changes with work, leisure and commerce but I don't think that schools or colleges will close down. The huge financial destruction caused by the lockdown in March to May steers the Capitalist government away. The biggest player in the Capitalist economy, the USA, is yet to implement a nationwide lockdown in order to reduce the upcoming recession, with the UK soon to follow in their footsteps, by refusing to lockdown the country. - Austín
Looking back, my first reaction to lockdown was somewhat over the top. I remember being ushered out of the school building in a hurry, everyone hysterical and pushing out the door. We all thought it was the end for everything - nothing was going to be the same again. However, my mindset has been changed thankfully. Lockdown is normalized, I don’t think much of it anymore because it’s not as scary as we expected. Now, it’s routine. I’m used to it.
Lockdown has a very different meaning the second time. For many of us we will see it as another chance to reset, catch up and take a personal inventory, but for others it will be a repeat of heartache, loneliness and struggle. I know I will use the time given to us by this constant pandemic to take a minute to be released from normal life and escape from life's mundane tasks. There's something so comforting about lockdown to me - being locked up in your own house, safe and warm, protected from the threats outside. I know this isn't the same view as most people but I hope, at least, lockdown will be a much needed pause for people. - Tegan.
For me, lockdown was a time that I’m grateful to have had. Lockdown was a time in which I relaxed, met friends when the restrictions lessened, focused on the things I love and concentrated on my personal health. Without lockdown I would not be the person I am today, would not be ready to proceed in the journey towards my future and for that I am grateful for lockdown and all the opportunities that it bought me. - Bella The thought of going back into lockdown, both scares me and intrigues me. Lockdown for me wasn't too bad, but did end up getting quite tedious. The constant sanitizing and social distancing became part of your day and was something we all relied on. Another lockdown could mean stricter rules, less shops open and the death rate increasing at an alarming rate. My biggest worry is whether everything will continue to be kept under control, especially with Boris Johnson in control. He just about managed to keep a hold of everything in the last lockdown but, honestly my biggest fear is the intensity of lockdown and the very poor government control could become my biggest concern. - Phoebe
The new lockdown restrictions that have been enforced recently are necessary to keep the country running properly and to hopefully prevent the country returning to the lockdown we had in march. However I believe that if we were to have another lockdown it would not be as much of a shock and wouldn't be as uncertain as it was previously because of the weekly updates and constant changing of the rules. People would also be more prepared this time and would know how to cope with the restrictions and changes. - Annaliese
I'm definitely not keen on being there being second lockdown as things have just started to return to normal for me, I'm at college, back at work, and back to playing football after a long few months, and I can finally meet up with a few friends of mine I haven't seen in a while. However, with restrictions getting stricter I won't be surprised if we go into a second lockdown and if so, I will follow the restrictions to make sure the people who are more vulnerable to covid-19 are well. - Joel